Heavy Metals: What They Are And How To Recover

Heavy Metals: What They Are And How To Recover

By Dr. Shiva Lalezar | Functional Medicine and Anti-aging

Did you know that mercury poisoning can mimic other symptoms and conditions that doctors often overlook?. In fact, nutrition specialist Dr. Pescatore estimates that 90% of cases go undiagnosed. Heavy metal mercury has more than doubled in the past 20 years due to escalating exposures in the environment, say researchers in The American Journal of Medicine. That’s a serious cause for concern since mercury is toxic to the brain and other organs. Risk of overload increases with age since the metal accumulates in tissues over time and research shows that mercury levels more than double between the ages of 20 and 50. 

Knowing these facts, it is shocking that so many of us are still unclear about these common issues. I seek to heal the root cause of ailments to help educate individuals on what these conditions are and how holistic medicine and functional medicine approaches can help heal.

Symptoms are information. Symptoms often act as an error-correcting mechanism, inviting us to address what we may have overlooked. Cells respond to changing environments, and can revert to their normal state when given the right inputs. Healing is possible.

What Are Heavy Metals?

Heavy metals are metallic elements characterized by their high atomic weights and densities. Examples include lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, and chromium. They are considered harmful because they can accumulate in the body over time, leading to various health issues. Because heavy metals have a large molecular weight, we are unable to naturally eliminate them through our detoxification pathways (sweat, urine and bowels), causing build up over time. Some metals, such as iron and zinc, are essential to the human body; but other heavy metals become toxic if you have too much such as mercury and lead and can cause detrimental health issues.

You are probably ingesting heavy metals on a regular basis without knowing it. They are present in certain foods, medicines, and supplements. Even chemicals used in factories and farming may contain heavy metals that can end up in the air, soil, and water. In the pipes in your home that supply your drinking water, heavy metals are all around you. They can enter your body through your skin, ingesting and inhaling them. The sources of exposure to these metals can be varied, including air or water pollution, foods, medicines, improperly coated food containers, or the ingestion of lead-based paints.

Heavy Metal Toxicity Symptoms

The symptoms of heavy metal toxicity may resemble those of other common disorders, so they are most often overlooked. If you have any of the following symptoms on an ongoing basis, a heavy metal test should seriously be considered:

  • Digestive disorders (constipation, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, gas, and bloating)
  • Acne, skin rashes and dermatitis
  • Headaches, muscle aches, fatigue, thyroid, and adrenal disorders
  • Hair loss and brittle nails
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Metallic taste
  • Depression and mood swings, anxiety, confusion, memory problems and brain fog, and
    sleep disorders

Here's why heavy metals are bad for you:

  1. Acne. Generally, antibiotics, Accutane, or topical medications are used to treat acne in a conventional setting. Unfortunately, this approach may relieve the symptoms of acne, but it does not resolve the root cause. These medications can cause dysbiosis (an imbalance between the good and bad bacteria in the gut) and leaky gut syndrome. Therefore, the very treatment for acne becomes the culprit of a multitude of health issues, such as Gut Issues, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Depression and Anxiety.
  2. Hormone Imbalance. Toxins can cause hormone disruption, which in turn can cause acne. Heavy metals cause biofilm formation around yeast and make it difficult to eliminate it. Yeast can be the underlying cause of inflammation. Clearing up systemic yeast in the body can resolve your acne.
  3. Digestive Issues. Heavy metals can disrupt your digestive system by causing inflammation, irritation, and damage to the gastrointestinal lining. This can lead to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Additionally, heavy metals can interfere with the absorption of nutrients, leading to deficiencies and other health issues. Long-term exposure may even increase the risk of developing gastrointestinal disorders and certain cancers.
  4. Poor Gut Health. Heavy metals can disrupt the microbiota and cause poor gut health. An unhealthy gut will allow the passage of more of the heavy metals into the body, which will increase the chances of illness and poisoning. It is not possible to break down heavy metals into smaller non-toxic components.
  5. Toxicity: Heavy metals can interfere with biological processes in the body, disrupting enzyme function, damaging cells, and impairing organ systems. For example, lead can affect the nervous system, while mercury can harm the brain and kidneys.
  6. Long-term effects: Chronic exposure to heavy metals, even at low levels, can lead to serious health problems over time. These may include developmental delays, neurological disorders, kidney damage, respiratory issues, and various types of cancer.

What's the treatment for heavy metal toxicity? Chelation Therapy.

Acute exposure to large doses of heavy metals is known as heavy metal toxicity. This exposure often causes severe symptoms requiring hospitalization and detoxification treatment (in the form of chelation therapy). However, gradual exposure to heavy metals occurs over many years and is insidious, dangerous and develops gradually without being noticed. Because heavy metals are large they are not excreted through skin pores. Without chelation therapy, they accumulate in fat cells, tissues, digestive system, and organs that prevent your organs from doing their job.

Dr. Lalezar conducts a six-hour urine toxicology screening after administering DMPS as a provocative chelating agent, which binds to mercury. DMPS is followed by an infusion of Glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that supports the liver and enhances detoxification. Glutathione also prevents the redistribution of heavy metals and makes DMPS more effective.

The amounts of heavy metals present in the urine are then measured. This is one of the most useful diagnostic tests for evaluating heavy metals. It measures the number of hidden metals stored in fat cells. Often patients ask about a hair analysis or a blood test for measuring heavy metals. These measures are not an accurate indicator of what is stored at a cellular level. The blood and hair tests only indicate what has been excreted into the blood or hair, not what is stored at a cellular level.

Remember it is not “normal” to not feel good. Symptoms are information. The body is trying to heal. Symptoms are signals prompting us to pay attention and letting us know we need a change. Whether it be a change in nutrition, habits, environment, or addressing emotions, a symptom is not something to be suppressed. Listen to your body and trust your body. Your body can perform miracles. It just needs the right support to do so.




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Lalezar, S. (2024). Holistic Doctor Los Angeles - Shiva Lalezar, D.O. Retrieved April 17, 2024, from https://healthandvitalitycenter.com/

Roberts, G. (2023, September 9). Is Heavy Metal Toxicity Real? One Woman's Story of Struggle — And Easy Solution. Yahoo. Retrieved April 17, 2024, from https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/heavy-metal-toxicity-natural-treatment-035855767.html

What Is a Heavy Metal Detox? And Do You Need One? (2024, January 23). Health. Retrieved April 17, 2024, from https://www.health.com/heavy-metal-detox-8426032